The last thing a buyer right after closing is for their water heater to stop working...and many other potential tragedies. Can buyers do anything besides preventative maintenance or calling up a $200/hour maintenance service? Get a home warranty.
Home warranty is an appliance service protection plan that covers the maintenance expenses associated with household items such as refrigerator, dishwasher, HVAC units, plumbing system, electrical wiring etc. Your home owner’s insurance will insure against natural disasters such as fire and flood but your insurance will NOT cover the maintenance and repair charges. When your air conditioner or heater stops working, you will place a service request with a home warranty company who will send the technician out for repair. Home warrenty plan will also replace the equipment if it cannot be repaired. Home warranty will essentially give you the peace of mind. You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars if your dying air conditioner breaks apart at the middle of the night.