Friday, October 19, 2012

Denver 12th Most Affordable City, Much Higher in Desirability

According to the Denver Post, Denver ranked 12th of the 25 largest cities in the country in affordability. 

The median household income in the Denver area exceeds the income required to purchase a median-priced home in the Denver area by four percent, according to the report.

The top five most affordable areas are Detroit, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Phoenix and St. Louis. The least affordable are Los Angeles, Miami, San Diego, New York and San Francisco.

What is more interesting is that in terms of desirability, Denver is much higher than most all of the cities ranked more affordable. Having been on scores of Top Ten lists throughout the last few years, including most popular city for relocating young adults, Denver has the extremely rare combination of both desirability and affordability.

Thank God we live in Denver!